Friday, July 07, 2006

Male Logic....

Right. Pic above is of ornamental cat (yes MJB, its not real ;) ) placed thus in a logical attempt to keep f'ing birds away from brassica's. If I were a bird, I would steer well clear of it and go and attack something near a hanging pie base or cd suspended from a piece of string. But nooo, the birds up our plot must obviously subscribe to "Which Bird Deterrent" magazine as one of the eyes has been pecked out and if that wasn't enough, just to rub it in, there are two big pieces of bird shit running down its back. Still, atleast while they've attacked and defacted the porcelain cat (and made me look a bit of a tit) they've left the brassica alone. So, here's to male logic working! (in a fashion) :) Posted by Picasa


At 10:26 PM, Blogger MrsKP said...

Funniest post I've read in ages. :-)

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Melanie Rimmer said...

Hi, I found your blog whilst browing for other allotment gardening/self-sufficiency blogs. I enjoyed reading your recent entries, especially your bird scarer - I thought I had seen all possible variations on bird scareres but that's new to me. I'm dying to find out if it works.

I have added you to my links at

If you'd like to link back to me that would be great, but of course it is entirely up to you.


At 9:40 AM, Blogger Tasha said...

I accidentally stumbled on your blog and thought the cat thing was hilarious. Try getting one of those mechanical toy cats that spring into action when they sense motion...that should teach the @*$& birds


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