Friday, March 31, 2006


This is just a pic of one early and one maincrop spud, each after 2 weeks out to chit.

Exciting eh :D Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Productive weekend.

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Well, with the weather on my side, I've finished the footings for the greenhouse (bit of a bugger to do as the plot slopes a fair bit) and I've used what slabs I had left to finish the area around the herb bed. The bed isn't raised as I ran out of bricks (doh! Oh well, they were free) so I simply built a slightly raised wooden frame around it for asthetic beauty.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Week 6. Finally starting the greenhouse

This is where the I'm going to build the greenhouse. A raised bed between the greenhouse and the shed might be an idea to. This bit and the bit infront (left of pic) are the only areas I haven't done much to yet. Going to get stuck right in ! Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 17, 2006

The "tool" shed

This shed I built from scratch last week using half a frame from an old shed from another client and bits of timber/pallet I had lying about. The floor is made of 2 heavy duty pallets bolted together and there's so much space inside I'm thinking of buying myself a long scarf and calling myself the Doctor.
It cost nothing apart from £5 for a bit of roof felt and some screws, giving us 2 decent sheds for bugger all, with a profit of £10, to be spent on Gin. Nice! Posted by Picasa

The "drinking" shed

This shed was given to me by a client (I say given, they paid me £30 to dismantle it and get rid of it)
I've had to totally replace one side, the floor and the roof, and the lean-to on the side was an extra addition for storage space up the top end of the plot. Total spent: £15.00 Posted by Picasa

Week 5.


Blimey, well, done all the paths now (thank God), dug over all the growing areas (apart from one) and built second shed. Hopefully, by the end of this month, I'll have built the greenhouse, trellised off the top area of plot and made a water feature (as well as planted the odd thing) Posted by Picasa