Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Week 4.


My Father with a spade in his hand. A rare camera moment.
He put it down again shortly after this photo was taken.
Almost completed the central path all the way down. Ran out of slabs so using wood chippings (free and easier,but need regular topping up)
Need to make a home for the oh-so-useful furnace and then seriously need to start turning the soil over and let the frost help us out a bit.
Thats February gone now. Really looking forward to the clocks going forward!
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Monday, February 27, 2006

Week 3.


Acquired some more crap err I mean useful items. Paths either side done now. I suppose we should get some paths going across and down the plot now, then perhaps do a bit of digging. Posted by Picasa

Week 2.


Previous chap moved his old shed and greenhouse. Built our shed and made a start on the paving infront of it. Finished path on left side, almost completed path on right side. Posted by Picasa

Week 1.

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This view taken from near the bottom of plot, looking up.

We built a 3 tier compost enclosure in the centre. Notice the 4ft drop to the left. The paths that are presently there are terrible after it rains. I've slipped down that drop several times now and ended up in Duncans (next door)compost heap. I feel the need, the need for woodchippings!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It begins early February 2006........

Hi there.

What follows (even though these blog sites show the newest post first so in effect run backwards) is a week by week update of creating our allotment from something that has had little care or attention for a number of years to a bountiful paradise brimming with vegetation, herbs and a splattering of fruit.

Well, thats the plan. Time will tell.....